2022 MRV Community Wellbeing Survey

Warren, Waitsfield & Fayston residents, 

How is the Mad River Valley doing? Have your voice heard on important community issues by taking the 2022 MRV Wellbeing Survey (bit.ly/2022-MRV-Wellbeing)! 

The annual Wellbeing Survey is a tool to help our community better understand how the MRV’s people, economy, and environment are doing. By asking questions such as your satisfaction with your personal health or access to recreational opportunities, we can gain important insight into what the MRV is doing well – and how we can do better. 

Results will be shared on the MRV Community Dashboard in summer 2022, and will be used to improve data-driven decision making, strengthen Valley-wide wellbeing and resilience, and provide transparency between MRV residents and officials. 

The survey will run until May 30 and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, participants will have the option to enter to win gift cards to Valley businesses!

You can take the survey online at: bit.ly/2022-MRV-Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Survey is being conducted by the MRV Planning District  as a part of the MRV Community Dashboard, an exciting effort to enhance the accessibility and relevance of local data. For questions or more information, please contact MRVPD Community Planner Amy Tomasso at amy@mrvpd.org or 802-496-7179.