The Community Dashboard has been updated with data from the 2023 Mad River Valley Annual Data Report!

After months of collection, calculation, and analysis, the 2023 Mad River Valley Annual Data Report is here!

Click the button on the right to start exploring the data!

The purpose of the Dashboard is to improve overall wellbeing and resilience in the Mad River Valley by supporting the ability of community members and decision-makers to review and incorporate local data.

The Mad River Valley Community Dashboard (originally the "MRV Community Indicators Project") is a new initiative of the MRV Planning District launched in summer 2020. The project aims to incorporate community voices and vision to help answer the question, "How is the Mad River Valley doing?"

By collecting and aggregating a range of local data into one accessible website, community members can more easily find, share and utilize this information.

The Dashboard also hosts the MRV Wellbeing Survey, our own survey tool which helps fill in the gaps of local qualitative data. 




  • To improve overall wellbeing and resilience in the MRV by supporting the ability of community members and decision-makers to review and incorporate local data.
  • To empower residents, decision-makers, and visitors to understand the MRV more deeply through data literacy.


  • Convene Advisory Committee to develop Dashboard framework based on existing town plans and visions.
  • Work with local stakeholders to identify leading MRV indicators.
  • Create an online dashboard to effectively communicate data.
  • Launch the Dashboard through a process of community engagement and data literacy.


  • Strengthened relationships & communication networks.
  • An interactive online tool that increases the accessibility and usability of local data.
  • An evolving online platform that meets the needs of the MRV community by tracking goals and progress.

For more information, contact [email protected] or click here to view the Advisory Committee agendas and minutes.

For a PDF summary of the project, please click here.

Previous Annual Data Reports can be found here.