MRV Conservation and Recreation Visioning Community Survey!

MRV Conservation and Recreation Visioning Community Survey Open until August 5th!

The Valley-wide Conservation and Recreation Visioning (CRV) project, part of the VOREC Grant, is expanding its outreach efforts and inviting community members to participate in an online survey. This initiative aims to gather diverse perspectives on the balance between outdoor recreation and ecological integrity within our community.

Survey Details:

We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to share your thoughts on these vital aspects of our Valley. Your input is crucial in helping us understand and enhance the relationship between outdoor recreation and our environment.

CRV Project Goals: The CRV project seeks to engage the community in finding a balance between maintaining ecological integrity and promoting outdoor recreation. “The CRV project is a big community effort to better understand and optimize the intersection of outdoor recreation and a sustainable environment, and we want to hear your opinions. Our goal is to have as many full and part-time residents as possible take this survey so that the full breadth of the community’s perspective is well represented as we work toward a shared vision for the future,” said Laura Arnesen, Co-Chair of the CRV Steering Committee.

Next Steps:

  • The 15-member CRV Steering Committee will use the survey results, feedback from the May 29th Community Forum at Lareau Farm Pavilion, and input from various organizations to draft a shared vision statement and a summary of desired future conditions.
  • These documents will be circulated within the Valley community for feedback and refinement by this fall.
  • The next phase will focus on identifying management techniques to achieve the shared vision and desired conditions.
  • A third Community Forum is planned for late summer or early fall to further discuss and gather input.

Stay updated through the Valley Reporter, Front Porch Forum, and by visiting Your participation is essential in shaping a sustainable and recreationally rich future for our Valley.