Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 5:00pm in the Waitsfield Town Office Conference Room
This meeting will serve as a kickoff event updating folks on the Mad River Valley housing environment and progress in this realm since the 2017 study. The meeting will include a discussion with partners advancing the community’s vision for housing, such as the Mad River Valley Housing Coalition.
Attendees are asked to share their insights and engage in a discussion about housing strategies and prioritization. A survey will be circulated prior to the meeting to aid this brainstorming process and dialogue.
This kickoff event will focus on providing those interested in advancing housing goals a forum for learning more about the work and opportunities ahead, laying the foundation for the MRV Housing Coalition’s first meeting of 2019 (Date TBD).
*Please confirm your attendance by sending an RSVP to
A survey and additional updates about the agenda will be sent out in the coming days in preparation for the meeting on February 20th. Additional information of interest can be found on the MRVPD website at: , , , and the 2018 Data Report Summary can be found here.
Additionally, the MRV Housing Coalition White Paper Draft Google Doc that was circulated earlier this year and updated can be accessed here.