1986-1988 — Brian Shupe

Focus: Sugarbush Review, Three town coordination

  • Assessment of Land Trust ActivitiesCreation of Rural Resource Commission (CLG)
  • Review of Valley Shared Trooper Proposal
  • Determination of Monitoring Days
  • Public Transit Report
  • Correlation analysis of monitoring day data
  • 1988 Major Segment Review
  • Discussion of Base Area Planning

1989-1992 — Brian Shupe

Focus: Valley wide planning, snowmaking, rural resource protection

  • MRV Regional Sewerage Study
  • Rural Resource Protection Plan/ VLT partnership
  • Formation of Recreation, Housing and Economic Development Committees
  • Snowmaking/water withdrawal process
  • Housing Needs Assessment
  • Changes to Fayston Zoning Ordinance
  • Project review/Waitsfield
  • Warren Town Plan
  • Base Area Planning

1993-1994 — Brian Shupe

Focus: Snowmaking, Town Planning

  • Plan for  5 Town Solid Waste Alliance
  • Assistance to Path Association/ VLT
  • Staff Assistance to FOMR
  • Staff recreation district, housing coalition and economic development committee
  • Snowmaking review
  • Fayston- zoning changes and town plan update and Warren zoning changes
  • Waitsfield Town Plan, zoning changes, work on commercial water extraction

1994-1997 — Joanna Whitcomb

Focus: Town Planning, Friend s of Mad River, Sugarbush Review

  • Phenn Basin Project
  • The Best River Ever w/FOMR
  • Wait House Restoration, fundraising, planning committee $200,000
  • Rural Resource Plan update/ Kicking Stones
  • NODP grant for Warren Village Wastewater mgmt/Admin for Wastewater grant $10,000
  • MRV regional wastewater strategy plan
  • 1995 Major Segment review
  • Economic Impact Study of Grand Summit Hotel
  • Fayston zoning review
  • Waitsfield zoning for Northfield Ridge

1997-2000 — Juli Beth Hoover

Focus: Wastewater, transit, MOU

  • 1998 MOU rewrite
  • Completion of ACT 250 hotel process
  • Transit planning, lobbying and grant applications
  • Data Book Project
  • Blueberry Lake under contract to TPL
  • Conservation Partnership formalized
  • Irasville Master Planning project --$25255
  • Warren Village grants for wastewater system
  • Fayston PUD zoning
  • Assistance with Warren town plan update
  • CMAQ grant and transit planning
  • Beginning of Fayston Town Plan update
  • Fayston Town Survey-- $4600
  • Fayston Bylaws Review --$2200
  • GIS Mapping work --$2573
  • Lareau Swim Hole Project (ISTEA)
  • 3 Town grant for software to track permitting and development issues --$9970

2001-2002 — Dee Pierce

Focus: Irasville Planning, Sugarbush Review, transit

  • Completion of Fayston Town Plan
  • MPG for Fayston zoning update-- $15000
  • Irasville Planning workshops
  • Transit planning, change of provider and local acquisition of buses
  • Phenn Basin Management Plan
  • Completion of Irasville master planning project
  • Staff CLG, Partnership, VEDA and TAC committees
  • Valley Housing Committee and Housing Forum
  • Act 250 Review of Lodge at Lincoln Peak
  • Mad River Valley Barn Assessment-- $3019
  • Historic Landscape Mgmt Plan – Fayston--$4800
  • Warren Municipal Building Pre-Development Project

2003-2006 — Dee Pierce

Focus: Valley wide issues

  • Sugarbush Village stormwater mgmt project (ANR 319)
  • Update of State Historic Building Survey for 3 towns (CLG fund)
  • Valley Vision 2020 forum (VCF) -- $3000
  • Waitsfield Village Parking and Pedestrian Study (CVRPC transportation funding)--$20,000
  • Assisted with Warren town plan update
  • Inventory of Natural and Cultural Features completed
  • Valley Selectboard Summit ; BOS joint budget planning session
  • Review of local law enforcement services
  • Route 100 Byway Initiative (CVRPC transportation funding)--$40000
  • Waitsfield/ Fayston Wildlife Habitat Assessment project (MPG) -- $25000
  • Three town affordable housing strategy (VCF) --$6800
  • Warren Dam Restoration Feasibility Study--$3000

2006-2008 — Linda Lloyd

  • Completed Waitsfield and Fayston Natural Resources and Wildlife Habitat Study
  • Secured Grant for Warren Natural Resources and Wildlife Study - $11,860
  • Secured and disseminated Mad River Valley Housing Study
  • Held public meetings and secured approval of Route 100 and Route 17 Mad River Byway
  • Wrote Ancient Roads grants for Warren and Waitsfield ($5000 each town)
  • Presented 2 Municipal Education grant workshops  $1600
  • Provided research to assist Fayston in deciding to go to a Development Review Board
  • Participated in ongoing Irasville sub-committee meetings
  • Attended and provided input to DRB, Planning Commission, and Select Board meetings
  • Energy Fair booth at Farmers Market – October 2006
  • Series of Energy Related articles in Valley Reporter
  • Hosted now annual November meeting of Three Town Select Boards
  • Mad River Path Association – assistance in securing easements and completing the Path
  • Secured $2300 CLG Grant for Mad River Glen Single Chair National Register nomination
  • Coordinated Valley non-profits in successful community purchase of the Kingsbury Farm
  • Served on CVRPC Brownfields Committee
  • Served on CVCLT Projects Committee and Board of Trustees
  • Revived Mad River Housing Coalition which is now active and functioning
  • Promoted formation of a Valley Constable’s Association
  • Assisted Housing Vermont in securing funding for 18 affordable rental units at Blue Tooth
  • Series of articles on Housing in the Valley Reporter