Volunteers Begin Installing MRV Trailhead Kiosks!

With the arrival of “spring,” the MRV Unified Trailhead Kiosk Project is moving ahead with installation of the structures for the ~50 trailhead kiosks to be built by the end of Summer 2019.

Pictured are local residents and students from the Green Mountain Valley School putting together and installing the framework for the sign panels to arrive for a National Trails Day/Weekend unveiling on June 1-2, 2019. There will be 18 kiosks ready to guide visitors by June 1, as well as weather-proof paper maps of the entire trail network. More information on events to come!

An effort of the MRV Trails Collaborative, towns, and local volunteers, the MRV Unified Trailhead Kiosk project has been funded by the Towns of Fayston, Waitsfield, and Warren, as well as two grants from the State of Vermont Dept. of Buildings and General Services and Dept. of Health. More information about the project and recreation in the MRV can be found here, and a 2019 Valley Reporter article detailing the project can be accessed here.